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Medicine Research ›› 2019, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (4): 200004-.DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20200004

所属专题: Phytomedicine

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Stilbenoids from Leguminosae and their Bioactivities

Xinyu Lei,a,b Qinru Zhou,a,b Wenju Li,b Guifang Qin,a,b Xiangchun Shen,*,a,b and Nenling Zhang*,a,b   

  1. a School of Pharmacy, Guizhou Medical University/Engineering Center of Efficient Utilization of Natural Medicinal Resources, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China
    b High Educational Key Laboratory of Guizhou Province for Natural Medicinal Pharmacology and Drug Druggability/Key Laboratory of Optimal Utilization of Natural Medicinal Resources, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China
  • 收稿日期:2020-02-05 出版日期:2020-02-18 发布日期:2020-02-18
  • 通讯作者: Xiangchun Shen, shenxiangchun@126.com (X. S.); Nenling Zhang, Email: nenlingzhang@foxmail.com (N. Z.)
  • 基金资助:

Stilbenoids from Leguminosae and their Bioactivities

Xinyu Lei,a,b Qinru Zhou,a,b Wenju Li,b Guifang Qin,a,b Xiangchun Shen,*,a,b and Nenling Zhang*,a,b   

  1. a School of Pharmacy, Guizhou Medical University/Engineering Center of Efficient Utilization of Natural Medicinal Resources, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China
    b High Educational Key Laboratory of Guizhou Province for Natural Medicinal Pharmacology and Drug Druggability/Key Laboratory of Optimal Utilization of Natural Medicinal Resources, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China
  • Received:2020-02-05 Online:2020-02-18 Published:2020-02-18
  • Contact: Xiangchun Shen, shenxiangchun@126.com (X. S.); Nenling Zhang, Email: nenlingzhang@foxmail.com (N. Z.)
  • Supported by:

摘要: Stilbenoids, usually found in Leguminosae, are a class of compounds with the skeleton of stilbene or their polymers, existing mostly in the xylem of plants. Till now, one hundred and seventy-six stilbenoids have been isolated from plants of Leguminosae. Herein, stilbene compounds and their derivatives in Leguminosae and their biological activities including anti-neoplastic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammation are reviewed.


关键词: Leguminosae, stilbene, stilbenoids, bioactivities

Abstract: Stilbenoids, usually found in Leguminosae, are a class of compounds with the skeleton of stilbene or their polymers, existing mostly in the xylem of plants. Till now, one hundred and seventy-six stilbenoids have been isolated from plants of Leguminosae. Herein, stilbene compounds and their derivatives in Leguminosae and their biological activities including anti-neoplastic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammation are reviewed.

Key words: Leguminosae, stilbene, stilbenoids, bioactivities


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