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  2024年, 第8卷, 第1期 刊出日期:2024-03-20 上一期   
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2023 Vol.7 No.3-4  No.1-2
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2020 Vol.4 No.4  No.3 No.1-2
2019 Vol.3 No.4  No.3 No.2 No.1
2018 Vol.2 No.4  No.3 No.2 No.1
2017 Vol.1 No.2  No.1

Progress in Chemical Compositions and Pharmacological Activities of Althaea officinalis
Tao-Tao Xue, Hong-Bo Xu, Zhi-Shu Tang, Jin-Ao Duana, Hong-Bo Liu, Xin-Bo Shi, and Zhong-Xing Song
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20210002
Medicine Research    2021, 5 (2): 210002-210002.  
摘要644)    PDF (717KB)(1045
Recent Advances on Bioactivity of Seaweed Polysaccharides
Junwen Wang, Xueyan Li, Chaoyan Zhang
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20200003
Medicine Research    2019, 3 (4): 200003-.  
摘要529)    PDF (498KB)(1017
Progress in Bioactivities of Phlorotannins from Sargassumi
Jiaoyang Li, Yuxin Wang, Ruihua Guo, Bin Bao, Wenhui Wu
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20180001
Medicine Research    2018, 2 (1): 180001-5.  
摘要384)  HTML68)   PDF (490KB)(867
Plant-Derived Kavalactones and Their Bioactivities
Nenling Zhang, Linjing Wu, Xiang Liu, Xiangchun Shen
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20170019
Medicine Research    2018, 2 (1): 170019-3.  
摘要392)  HTML103)   PDF (721KB)(815
Mechanism of Interaction between Phenolic Compounds and Proteins Based on Non-Covalent and Covalent Interactions
Qianqian Chu, Bin Bao, Wenhui Wu
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20180014
Medicine Research    2018, 2 (3): 180014-.  
摘要842)    PDF (537KB)(808
Applications of Simple Nanoparticle Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 in Bio-medicine
Zhaokun Zhang, Yan Xu, Kunfeng Zhao, Ying Zhang, Weijia Chen, Xiaodi Li, Yanxia Meng, Dicheng Yang, Ping Wang, Jun Zhu
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20190008
Medicine Research    2019, 3 (3): 190008-0.  
摘要1019)    PDF (992KB)(780
Progress in Phytochemical and Bioactivities of Coffea arabica L.
Xiao-Jing Shen, Zhu-Bin Zhou, Fan-Qiu Nie, Cheng-Ting Zi, and Jiang-Ping Fan
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20200012
Medicine Research    2020, 4 (3): 200012-.  
摘要590)    PDF (1601KB)(780
Stilbenoids from Leguminosae and their Bioactivities
Xinyu Lei, Qinru Zhou, Wenju Li, Guifang Qin, Xiangchun Shen, Nenling Zhang
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20200004
Medicine Research    2019, 3 (4): 200004-.  
摘要280)    PDF (2258KB)(737
Flavonoids Isolated from the genus Ficus and Their Biological Activities
Yaxian Zhao, Jing Niu, Qinru Zhou, Yan Chen, Shiquan Gan, Xiangchun Shen, Nenling Zhang
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20210004
Medicine Research    2021, 5 (2): 210004-210004.  
摘要470)    PDF (2171KB)(733
Recent Advances on anti-MRSA Natural Products Derived from Plants
Jing Guo, Xiaoyu Su, Tianfang Ma, Jifeng Liu
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20170018
Medicine Research    2018, 2 (1): 170018-5.  
摘要504)  HTML80)   PDF (702KB)(674
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20170012
Medicine Research    2017, 1 (2): 42-46.  
摘要557)  HTML54)   PDF (729KB)(640
Augmented Reality in Drug Package: a Promising Strategy against Non-adherence in the Treatment of Tuberculosis
Dayse E. de Oliveira, Marcus V. N. de Souza, Wanise B. G. Barroso
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20200007
Medicine Research    2020, 4 (1-2): 200007-200007.  
摘要321)    PDF (562KB)(581
Natural Products Phenols as Novel Antithrombotic Agents
Wenjing Zhou, Ruihua Guo
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20180002
Medicine Research    2018, 2 (1): 180002-4.  
摘要327)  HTML51)   PDF (217KB)(528
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20170004
Medicine Research    2017, 1 (1): 20-24.  
摘要321)  HTML58)   PDF (855KB)(526
Progress in Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities of Broussonetia pa-pyrifera (L.) Vent
Fang Li, Tingyu Wen, Jifeng Liu
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20190005
Medicine Research   
摘要295)    PDF (931KB)(525
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20170006
Medicine Research    2017, 1 (1): 12-15.  
摘要194)  HTML61)   PDF (487KB)(520
Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019: Evidence, Possible Mode of Action and Industrial Supply
Mario Pagliaro, Francesco Meneguzzo
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20200014
Medicine Research    2020, 4 (3): 200014-.  
摘要440)    PDF (678KB)(517
Study on Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities from Eucalyptus globulus
Shudan Zheng, Hui Fang, Jifeng Liu
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20210007
Medicine Research    2021, 5 (3-4): 210007-210007.  
摘要234)    PDF (1222KB)(510

Natural Products from the genus Daldinia and Their Bioactivities

Jing Li, Luohao Li, Runqing Zhu, Vuanghao Lim, Qianqian Sun, and Lizhen Fang
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20210005
Medicine Research    2021, 5 (3-4): 210005-210005.  
摘要280)    PDF (1005KB)(505
Oxaliplatin Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in T-leukemia Cells through Mitochondrial and PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathways
Mengcheng Li, Yongpeng Wang, Lei Tian, Afsar Khan, Yudan Wang, Yaping Liu, Meilian Yang, Jianxin Cao, Guiguang Cheng, and Tianrui Zhao
DOI: 10.21127/yaoyimr20210003
Medicine Research    2021, 5 (2): 210003-210003.  
摘要285)    PDF (2460KB)(499

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