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Wenhui Wu, Ph.D., Professor (2017)

Department of Marine Bio-Pharmacology, College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China
Research Areas: Marine Drugs

Website: https://spxy.shou.edu.cn/2020/0226/c9411a265309/page.htm

Email: whwu@shou.edu.cn

Xiuwei H. Yang, Ph.D., Professor (2019)

Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Research Areas: Biological, pathological and signaling roles of cell adhesion molecules in tumor onset or recurrence, progression and metastasis. Potential biomarkers or therapeutic targets for cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Website: http://pharmns.med.uky.edu/users/xya222#profileTab1

Email: Xya222@uky.edu, xiuwei-yang@uky.edu

Associate Editors

Marcus Vinicius Nora De Souza, Ph.D., Professor (2020)

Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz, Instituto de Tecnologia em Fármacos, Rua Sizenando Nabuco, 100, Manguinhos, 21041-250 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Research Areas: Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Synthetic Methodology

Website: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8128302430118746

Email: marcos_souza@far.fiocruz.br

Editorial Board Members (Alphabetically)

Chaoyan Zhang, Ph.D., Professor (2019)

College of Food Science and Technology, Institutes of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China
Research Areas: Pharmacology
Email: cyzhang@shou.edu.cn

Chengting Zi, Ph.D., Professor (2020)

College of Science, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, 650201, China
Research Areas: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Email: zichengting@126.com

Jun Zhu, Ph.D., Professor (2017)

National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology, Shanghai 200241, China
Research Areas: Nano Biomedicine
Email: yzjzhu@163.com

Hezhong Jiang, Ph.D., Professor (2017)

School of Life Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
Research Areas: Chinese Traditional Medicine
Email: jianghz10@swjtu.edu.cn

Jifeng Liu, Ph.D., Professor (2017)

School of Pharmaceutical Science, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan 450001, China & Collaborative Innovation Center of New Drug Research and Safety Evaluation, Zhengzhou, Henan 450001, China
Research Areas: Discovery of Drugs

Email: liujf2009y@126.com 

Jingjing Sun, Ph.D., Professor (2024)

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA
Research Areas: Nanomedicine, Drug delivery

Email: jsun@unmc.edu

Juri M. Timonen, Ph.D., Professor (2020)

School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
Reasearch Areas: Heterocyclic Chemistry
Website: https://synthesisresearchgroup.org/group/members/
Email: juri.timonen@uef.fi

Kehai Liu, Ph.D., Professor (2019)

College of Food Science and Technology, Institutes of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China
Research Areas: Pharmacology
Email: khliu@shou.edu.cn

Lizhen Fang, Ph.D., Professor (2020)

School of Pharmacy, Xinxiang Medical University, Xinxiang, Henan 453003, China

Research Areas: Natural Drugs

Email: 2002flz@163.com

Nancy Yin, Ph.D., Director (2019)

STA Pharmaceutical US LLC, San Diego, CA, USA
Reasearch Areas: Pharmaceutical Analysis
Email: nancy_yin@wuxiapptec.com

Nenling Zhang, Ph.D., Professor (2017)

Department of Natural Medicinal Chemistry (the State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, the High Educational Key Laboratory of Guizhou Province for Natural Medicinal Pharmacology and Druggability), School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guizhou Medical University, University Town, Guian New District, Guizhou, 550025, China
Reasearch Areas: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Email: nenlingzhang@foxmail.com

Ruilong Sheng, Ph.D., Professor (2018)

CQM-Centro de Química da Madeira/Madeira Chemistry Research Centre, Campus da Penteada, Universidade da Madeira 9020-105 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Research Areas: Drug Design
Email: ruilong.sheng@staff.uma.pt

Youping Zhu, Ph.D., Professor (2018)
China Netherlands Medical & Pharmaceutical Centre, Groningen & CMC Tasly Group, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Research Area: Chinese Herbal Medicine and Herbal Products
Email: zhuyouping@gmail.com

International Advisory Board Members (Alphabetically)

Rinti Banerjee, Ph.D., Head & Madhuri Sinha Professor (2018)
Nanomedicine Lab, Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, India Insitute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076, India
Research Area: Nanomedicine
Email: rinti@iitb.ac.in

Satyajit D Sarker, Ph.D., Professor, President. Phytochemical Society of Europe (2019)
Director, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, James Parsons Building, Byrom Street, Liverpool, L3 3AF, England, UK
Research Areas: Pharmaceutical and natural products chemistry as well as in the area of rational drug design (medicinal chemistry)

Website: https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/about-us/staff-profiles/faculty-of-science/pharmacy-and-biomolecular-sciences/satyajit-sarker

Email: S.Sarker@ljmu.ac.uk 

Yongxian Cheng, Ph.D., Professor (2019)
Guangdong Key Laboratory for Genome Stability & Disease Prevention, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Medicine, Shenzhen University Health Science Center, Shenzhen 518060, China & State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China, Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201,China
Research Areas: Phytomedicine
Website: https://med.szu.edu.cn/Item/1080.aspx

Email: yxcheng@szu.edu.cn 

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